
The Cogeninfra Group is among the largest players, specialising in providing district heating and energy efficiency services in Italy and abroad through its two divisions of Cogeninfra Heat and Cogeninfra Save.

© photography by Michele Nastasi, project studio delboca&Partners


The Cogeninfra Heat division designs and implements district heating networks that start
from the generating plant and supply heat to connected urban centres.


The Cogeninfra Save division develops high-tech solutions aimed at respecting the environment and saving energy. The ideal partner for all companies that want to undertake an energy transition process.

The Statistics

data updated to 2023

288 GWh

of heat

174 GWh

of electricity



68 kton

of CO2 avoided

The Statistics

data updated to 2023


GWh of heat


GWh of electricity




ktonnes of CO2 avoided


Tirano - January 30, 2025 Yesterday, 30 January, T.C.V.V.‘s annual shareholders’ meeting was held, which confirmed the company's solidity and its commitment to sustainable growth, approving a positive balance sheet: 9.4 million euros in production, 3.7 million in operating margin and a profit of 1.4 million. In recent years, more than EUR 4 million has been invested in Valtellina to impr...
We are proud to announce an important new partnership: we have become the sponsor of Pietro Zazzi, an athlete of the Italian National Alpine Ski Team, belonging to the Fiamme Azzurre sports group and originally from Bormio, in Valtellina. This partnership represents a natural synergy between the values that guide our work and those embodied by Pietro. The determination, precision and ability to...
We are proud to announce that the district heating plants in Valtellina, located in Tirano, Sondalo, and Santa Caterina, have achieved ISO 14001 certification: the highest internationally recognized standard for Environmental Management Systems (EMS). This certification represents a significant acknowledgment of the production and distribution of thermal energy from virgin biomass plants, the g...

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